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Levitating Eiffel Tower

A piece of art commemorating 100 years of superconductivity
Author: Alexandre Echasseriau, Paris, France
Online since: 03/11/2011, Number of visits: 327921
A hundred years ago, the phenomenon of superconductivity has been invented. Reason enough to implement a project on this topic in 2011.
This 80 cm high model of the Eiffel Tower was made by Alexandre Echasseriau, a design student from ENSCI-Les Ateliers, for the CNRS exposition "Entrée en matière" in October 2011.
"The" Eiffel Tower (the real and only one) had the grace to hold still for the picture with its "little brother".
To make this tower levitate, 9 S-30-10-N disc magnets were used: 4 for the ground floor, 4 for the first floor, and a single one for the top floor.
The levitation of this model is rendered possible by superconducting pellets. When cooled down to -196°C with liquid nitrogen, they become perfect electrical conductors and repel the magnetic field.
More information on the topic of superconductivity can be found at www.supraconductivite.fr (French and English).
The real Eiffel Tower and its
The real Eiffel Tower and its "little brother" at night
Concept : Alexandre Echasseriau
Scientific advisors: Julien Bobroff, Frédéric Bouquet (LPS, Orsay)
Partner : CNRS - Université Paris Sud - Supra2011
Photos: Julien Bobroff
Note from the supermagnete team:
Other customer projects on the topic of "superconductivity" can be found here.

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